Pact Utilities library documentation

This library aims to provide some “high level” functions for writing Pact smart contracts.

The library contains currently more than 150 convenience functions split into 8 modules.

After using and experimenting Pact since several months, I found out that:
  • Some functions were missing: (eg (str-to-decimal), …)

  • Some high level functions were needed to make development easier (eg (insert-at), instead of using (take), (drop) )

  • Some processing often used in smart-contracts were a little though to do in Pact, and some new users were disappointed. (eg (amin))

  • There was no simple way to generate Pseudo-Random strings and numbers in Pact.

  • Many simple and basic functions were duplicated between modules without factorization.

That’s why I started to write this library. Feel free to use it, fork, submits bug reports and PR.